Posted: June 8th, 2015 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in April 2015
In April we have added the following research paper series and e-journals to EconStor:
- European Financial and Accounting Journal (EFAJ), Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics, Prague:
- KfW/ZEW-CO2-Barometer, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) und KfW Bankengruppe:
- JUNGE UNTERNEHMEN, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) und Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V :
- ZEW Gründungsreport, Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW):
- ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration, Asian Development Bank (ADB):
- ADB Economics Working Paper Series, Asian Development Bank (ADB):
- Schriftenreihe Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft, Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (IAW), Universität Bremen und Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen:
- Hohenheim Discussion Papers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Universität Hohenheim:
982 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents climbed to 87861 by 30/04/2015. We have counted 184925 downloads in April.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers:
1.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New Financial Architecture”“ (491)
2.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (408)
2.) Weichselbaumer, Doris; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf: „A meta-analysis of the international gender wage gap“ (408)
4.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (359)
5.) Henrich, Joseph; Heine, Steven J.; Norenzayan, Ara: „The weirdest people in the world?“ (333)
Posted: April 27th, 2015 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in March 2015
In March we have added the following research paper series and e-journals to EconStor:
1370 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents climbed to 86879 by 31/03/2015. We have counted 201970 downloads in March.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers:
1.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (589)
2.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New Financial Architecture”“ (536)
3.) Brau, James C.; Woller, Gary M.: „Microfinance: A comprehensive review of the existing literature“ (399)
4.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (349)
5.) Weichselbaumer, Doris; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf: „A meta-analysis of the international gender wage gap“ (316)
Posted: March 31st, 2015 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in February 2015
In February we have added the following research paper series and conference proceedings to EconStor:
- TUC Working Papers in Economics, Abteilung für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Technische Universität Clausthal:
- Beiträge zur Jahrestagung 2014 (Göttingen), Ausschuss für Wirtschaftssysteme und Institutionenökonomik, Verein für Socialpolitik:
- IMK Policy Briefs, Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK), Hans-Böckler-Stiftung:
- WTO Special Studies, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO:
- WTO Discussion Papers, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO:
- Studien zum Finanz-, Bank- und Versicherungsmanagement, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern:
- SAFE Policy Letters, Research Center SAFE, Universität Frankfurt a. M.:
- International Telecommunications Society, Proceedings of the 20th ITS Biennial Conference, Rio de Janeiro:
863 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 85509 by 28/02/2015. We have counted 179144 downloads in February .
The Top 5 most downloaded papers:
1.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (593)
2.) Mayer, Thomas: „The empirical significance of econometric models“ (528)
3.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New Financial Architecture”“ (389)
4.) Brau, James C.; Woller, Gary M.: „Microfinance: A comprehensive review of the existing literature“ (326)
5.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (274)
Posted: March 4th, 2015 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in January 2015
In January we have added the following research paper series to EconStor:
787 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 84646 by 31/01/2015. We have counted 183885 downloads in the month of January.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers:
1.) Berggren, Niclas; Nilsson, Therese: „Does Economic Freedom Foster Tolerance?“ (953)
2.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (537)
3.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (369)
4.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New Financial Architecture”“ (360)
5.) Brau, James C.; Woller, Gary M.: „Microfinance: A comprehensive review of the existing literature“ (283)
Posted: February 4th, 2015 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in December 2014
In December we have added the following research paper series and conference proceedings to EconStor:
1160 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 83631 by the end of December. We have counted 176741 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New financial architecture”“ (369)
2.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (353)
3.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (333)
4.) Mayntz, Renate (ed.); Hughes, Thomas P. (ed.): „The development of large technical systems“ (282)
5.) Braga, Michela; Paccagnella, Marco; Pellizzari, Michele: „Evaluating students’ evaluations of professors“ (230)
Posted: December 22nd, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on Service Announcement
There will be no support available between Christmas and January 4th, 2015.
We apologize for any inconveniences that may occur!
Posted: December 22nd, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in November 2014
In November we have added the following research paper series and e-journals to EconStor:
- Discussion Papers in Business Administration, Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Munich Discussion Papers, Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- BuR – Business Research, Official Open Access Journal of VHB
- Econometrics – Open Access Journal, MDPI (Basel)
- Risks – Open Access Journal, MDPI (Basel)
- International Journal of Financial Studies – Open Access Journal, MDPI (Basel)
- Bremen Energy Working Papers (BEWP), Bremen Energy Research (BER), Jacobs University Bremen
- EWL Working Papers, Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft, Universität Duisburg-Essen
- DEP (Socioeconomics) Discussion Papers, Macroeconomics and Finance Series, Fachbereich Sozialökonomie, Universität Hamburg
1388 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 83859 by 30/11/2014. We have counted 188317 downloads in the month of November.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers:
1.) Xing, Chunbing; Zhang, Junfu: „The Preference for Larger Cities in China: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants“ (674)
2.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New financial architecture”“ (437)
3.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (414)
4.) Mayntz, Renate (ed.); Hughes, Thomas P. (ed.): „The development of large technical systems“ (366)
5.) DIW Berlin / SOEP (ed.): „SOEP 2013 – Erhebungsinstrumente 2013 (Welle 30) des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels: Personenfragebogen, Altstichproben“ (348)
Posted: November 25th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in October 2014
In October we have added the following research paper series to EconStor:
570 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 82471 by the end of October. We have counted 235845 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (908)
2.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (543)
3.) Hirth, Lion: „The market value of variable renewables“ (492)
4.) Leahy, Eimear; Lyons, Seán; Tol, Richard S. J.: „An estimate of the number of vegetarians in the world“ (411)
5.) Crotty, James: „Structural causes of the global financial crisis: A critical assessment of the “New financial architecture”“ (405)
Posted: October 27th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in September 2014
In September we have added the following research paper series and conference collection to EconStor:
1867 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 81901 by the end of September. We have counted 177894 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Hirth, Lion: „The market value of variable renewables“ (505 downloads)
2.) Haucap, Justus; Heimeshoff, Ulrich: „The happiness of economists: Estimating the causal effect of studying economics on subjective well-being“ (377)
3.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (360)
4.) Tochtermann, Klaus (ed.); Maurer, Hermann (ed.): „I-KNOW ’07: 7th international conference on knowledge management“ (317)
5.) Klinke, Sigbert; Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga: „Embedding R in the mediawiki“ (309)
Posted: September 26th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in August 2014
In August we have included the following research paper series and conference collection in EconStor:
- Akademie für Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft GmbH, Überlingen: Akademie Studien
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2014 – Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik: Conference Papers
645 new items have been added. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 80034 by the end of August. We have counted 218527 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (1202 downloads)
2.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (594)
3.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (474)
4.) Gundlach, Erich: „Human capital and economic development : a macroeconomic assessment“ (516)
5.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (474)