Posted: December 17th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in November 2013
In November the following research paper series have been added to EconStor:
- DSi-Schriften, DSi – Deutsches Steuerzahlerinstitut des Bundes der Steuerzahler
- EIB Working Papers, European Investment Bank (EIB)
- CASE Network Reports, Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), Warsaw
- Quaderni di Dipartimento, Dipartimento di Economia Politica e Metodi Quantitativi (EPMQ), Università degli Studi di Pavia
- Documentos de Trabajo, Investigaciones Económicas (ie), Banco Central de la República Argentina (BCRA)
- Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers
- Documentos de Trabajo, Centro de Estudios sobre Población, Empleo y Desarrollo (CEPED), Universidad de Buenos Aires
- HEG Working Papers, Health Economics Group (HEG), University of East Anglia
The number of newly uploaded papers was 2,798 while the total number of downloads in November reached 232,025. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (778)
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (761)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (702)
- Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (654)
- Auria, Laura; Moro, Rouslan A.: „Support Vector Machines (SVM) as a technique for solvency analysis“ (425)
Posted: November 22nd, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in October 2013
In October the following research paper series have been included in EconStor:
- DSi kompakt, DSi – Deutsches Steuerzahlerinstitut des Bundes der Steuerzahler
With 1,871 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to nearly 64,900 by the end of October. The total number of downloads in October climbed to 217,133. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“(639)
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (600)
- Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (530)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (466)
- Auria, Laura; Moro, Rouslan A.: „Support Vector Machines (SVM) as a technique for solvency analysis“ (418)
Posted: October 22nd, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in September 2013
In September we have included the following research paper and report series in EconStor:
- IES Working Papers, Institute of Economic Studies (IES), Charles University in Prague
- IES Occasional Papers, Institute of Economic Studies (IES), Charles University in Prague:
- IME Working Papers, Department of Environmental and Business Economics (IME), University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg
- Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, Uppsala University
- Danmarks Nationalbank Working Papers, Danmarks Nationalbank, Copenhagen
- EPRU Working Paper Series, Economic Policy Research Unit, University of Copenhagen
- Working Paper Series, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm
- IFN Working Papers, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Stockholm
- Discussion Papers, Turkish Economic Association
With 2,991 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 63,021 by the end of September. The total number of downloads in June has reached 185,686. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“(450)
- Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (412)
- Eisend, Martin: „Metaanalyse: Einführung und kritische Diskussion“ (341)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (329)
- Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (322)
Posted: September 18th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in August 2013
EconStor continues to grow at a substantial rate. In August we have reached the amount of 60,000 full text documents. The following research paper series and e-journals have been added to EconStor:
With 2,307 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 60,030 by the end of August. The total number of downloads in August has reached 170,092. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (549 downloads)
2.) Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (486)
3.) Bénabou, Roland; Tirole, Jean: „Individual and corporate social responsibility“ (382)
4.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (338)
5.) Eisend, Martin: „Metaanalyse: Einführung und kritische Diskussion“ (297)
Posted: July 17th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in June 2013
In June we have included the following research paper and report series in EconStor:
- Expertisen, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
- Sondergutachten, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
- Jahresgutachten, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
- Arbeitspapiere, Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung
- Arbeitspapiere der FOM, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management, Essen
- Schriftenreihe Logistikforschung, Institut für Logistik und Dienstleistungsmanagement, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management, Essen
- LICOS Discussion Paper Series, KU Leuven
- Strategy and Policy Studies (SPOS), European Institute of Romania
- Diskussionsbeiträge, Wilfried-Guth-Stiftungsprofessur für Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
With 866 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 55,260 by the end of June. The total number of downloads in June has reached 200,083. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“(687)
- Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (525)
- Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (521)
- Orphanides, Athanasios; Wieland, Volker: „Complexity and monetary policy“ (454)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (446)
Posted: June 11th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in May 2013
In May the following journals and research paper series have been added to EconStor:
With 1897 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to nearly 54400 by the end of May. The total number of downloads in May amounts to 212503. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1. von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (612)
2. Møller, Bjørn: „The Somali conflict: The role of external actors“ (580)
3. Hassler, Uwe; Wolters, Jürgen: „Autoregressive distributed lag models and cointegration“ (473)
4. Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (462)
5. Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (452)
Posted: May 8th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in April 2013
In April we have included the following research paper series in EconStor:
With 1537 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to nearly 52500 by the end of April. The total number of downloads in April has climbed to 215039. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- Verick, Sher; Islam, Iyanatul: “The great recession of 2008 – 2009: Causes, consequences and policy responses” (981)
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (819)
- Lawson, David; Klasen, Stephan: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (586)
- Møller, Bjørn: „The Somali conflict: The role of external actors“ (586)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“(554)
Posted: April 10th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in March 2013
In March we have added the following e-journals and research paper series to EconStor:
- Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ZfP), Rainer Hampp Verlag
- Berichte der Werkstatt für Organisations- und Personalforschung e.V., Berlin
- Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- CAE Working Papers, Center for Analytical Economics (CAE), Cornell University
- Department of Economics Research Report Series, Department of Economics, The University of Western Ontario
- CIBC Working Paper Series, Centre for Human Capital & Productivity (CIBC), Department of Economics, The University of Western Ontario
- EPRI Working Paper Series, Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI), Department of Economics, The University of Western Ontario
- Issue Papers, ICTSD EPAs and Regionalism Programme, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
With 950 new publications in March we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to nearly 50900. The total number of downloads in that month was 187.495. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (802)
- Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (619)
- Jürgens, Ulrich: „Corporate governance, innovation, and economic performance: a case study on Volkswagen“ (602)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (599)
- Bauer, Thomas K.:„High Performance Workplace Practices and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Europe“ (587)
Posted: March 8th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in February 2013 hits milestone of 50.000 full text documents
We are happy to announce that we have reached the milestone of 50.000 full text documents by March 6th, 2013. This means that our content has doubled in the last two years. See also our press release.
In February we have added the following e-journals, research paper and book series to EconStor:
- RWI Projektberichte, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Essen
- Schriften aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln
- International Transport Forum Discussion Papers, International Transport Forum (ITF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- OECD/ITF Joint Transport Research Centre Discussion Papers, International Transport Forum (ITF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- German Risk and Insurance Review (GRIR) – Das Open Access E-Journal für Versicherungswissenschaften und Risikomanagement, Seminar für ABWL, Risikomanagement und Versicherungslehre, Universität Köln
- Schumpeter Discussion Papers, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- IW policy papers, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln
- Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Bücher, Rainer Hampp Verlag
- Reihe Ökonomie / Economics Series, Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS)
Beyond that download numbers have reached a new record as well in Febuary. We have counted a total number of 193.260 downloads. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1145 downloads)
2.) Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (773)
3.) Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (698)
4.) Heimeshoff, Ulrich; Haucap, Justus: „Google, Facebook, Amazon, eBay: Is the internet driving competition or market monopolization?“ (579)
5.) Yadav, Pradeep K.; Megginson, William L.; Chakrabarti, Rajesh: „Corporate governance in India“ (575)
Posted: February 8th, 2013 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in January 2013
In January we have included the following research paper series in EconStor:
From January 2013 we provide download figures measured in accordance with the COUNTER Code of Practice for e-Resources which will make it easier to compare our figures with other repositories, databases, and Open Access publishers.
With 950 new publications we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 48.462 by the end of January. The total number of downloads in January has climbed to 170.917. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
- von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1.208 downloads)
- Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (1.018)
- Dilger, Alexander: „Besonderheiten der Bewerbung um Promotionsstellen und -gelegenheiten“ (725)
- Yadav, Pradeep K.; Megginson, William L.; Chakrabarti, Rajesh: „Corporate governance in India“ (598)
- Moldaschl, Manfred: “Was ist Reflexivität?” (565)