Posted: October 27th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in September 2014
In September we have added the following research paper series and conference collection to EconStor:
1867 new items have been uploaded. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 81901 by the end of September. We have counted 177894 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Hirth, Lion: „The market value of variable renewables“ (505 downloads)
2.) Haucap, Justus; Heimeshoff, Ulrich: „The happiness of economists: Estimating the causal effect of studying economics on subjective well-being“ (377)
3.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (360)
4.) Tochtermann, Klaus (ed.); Maurer, Hermann (ed.): „I-KNOW ’07: 7th international conference on knowledge management“ (317)
5.) Klinke, Sigbert; Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga: „Embedding R in the mediawiki“ (309)
Posted: September 26th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in August 2014
In August we have included the following research paper series and conference collection in EconStor:
- Akademie für Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft GmbH, Überlingen: Akademie Studien
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2014 – Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik: Conference Papers
645 new items have been added. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 80034 by the end of August. We have counted 218527 downloads in that month.
The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (1202 downloads)
2.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (594)
3.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (474)
4.) Gundlach, Erich: „Human capital and economic development : a macroeconomic assessment“ (516)
5.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (474)
Posted: August 25th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in July 2014
In July we have included the following research paper series and journals in EconStor:
1818 new items have been added. The total number of full-text documents amounted to 79389 by the end of July. We have counted 213537 downloads in that month. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (924 downloads)
2.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (873)
3.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (587)
4.) Gundlach, Erich: „Human capital and economic development : a macroeconomic assessment“ (556)
5.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (444)
Posted: July 31st, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in June 2014
In June we have included the following research paper series and one journal in EconStor:
- Hochschule Konstanz, Konstanz Institut für Corporate Governance, KICG-Forschungspapiere
- htw saar, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Schriftenreihe Logistik
- Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft (IAW), Universität Bremen / Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen, Reihe Arbeit und Wirtschaft in Bremen
- Universität Basel, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum (WWZ), WWZ Studien
- Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich, AMS info
- Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich, AMS report
- The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (IJMSIT)
- Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability IMFS, Working Paper Series
- Beiträge der Hochschule Pforzheim
- FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management, Essen, Tagungsbände
864 new items have been added and the total number of full-text documents amounted to 77571 by the end of June. We have counted 278590 downloads in that month. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (1112 downloads)
2.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1017)
3.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (604)
4.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (522)
5.) Gundlach, Erich: „Human capital and economic development : a macroeconomic assessment“ (506)
Posted: June 24th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in May 2014
In May we have included the following research paper series in EconStor:
803 new items have been added and the total number of full-text documents was 76707 by the end of May. In addition we have counted 297941 downloads in that month. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (1121 downloads)
2.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1058)
3.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (596)
4.) Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (509)
5.) Grob, Heinz Lothar (ed.); Vossen, Gottfried (ed.): „Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht“ (502)
Posted: May 27th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in April 2014
In April we have included the following research paper series and journals in EconStor:
- HU Berlin, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften, Department für Agrarökonomie, Working Paper
- The Global Labour University (GLU), Global Labour University Working Papers
- University of Piraeus, SPOUDAI – Journal of Economics and Business
- Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Department of Economics, Working Papers
- Queen’s University Belfast, Queen’s University Centre for Economic History, QUCEH Working Paper Series
- Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung (GWS), GWS Research Reports
- Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Umwelt- und Verhaltensökonomik, reihe empirische analysen
- Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), LIS Working Paper Series
1214 new items have been added and the total amount of full-text documents reached 75904 by the end of April. The total number of downloads in April climbed to 305.357. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (895)
2.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (884)
3.) Kambourov, Gueorgui; Manovskii, Iourii: „Occupational Mobility and Wage Inequality“ (706)
4.) Keller, Sara; Schanz, Deborah: „Measuring tax attractiveness across countries“ (584)
5.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (555)
Posted: April 24th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in March 2014
In March we have included the following research paper series and journals in EconStor:
2108 new items have been included and the total amount of full-text documents reached 74690 by the end of March. The total number of downloads in March climbed to 278135. The Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1004)
2.) Klasen, Stephan; Lawson, David: „The impact of population growth on economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda“ (961)
3.) Delfmann, Werner; Albers, Sascha: „Supply chain management in the global context“ (547)
4.) Detzer, Daniel; Herr, Hansjörg: „Theories of financial crises: An overview“ (524)
5.) Hartz, Ronald: „Max Weber: “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus”“ (481)
Posted: March 21st, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in February 2014
In February we have included the following research paper series and journals in EconStor:
- The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Osaka University, ISER Discussion Papers
- Universität Konstanz, Diskussionsbeiträge, Serie B: Finanzwissenschaftliche Arbeitspapiere
- Universität Konstanz, Diskussionsbeiträge, Serie C: Betriebswirtschaftliche Beiträge
- Universität Konstanz, Discussion Papers, Center for International Labor Economics (CILE)
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Journal of Labor Policy
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Journal of European Labor Studies
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Journal of Labor & Development
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Journal of Labor Economics
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Journal of Migration
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Policy Papers
- Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), IZA Standpunkte
With 1576 new items we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 72482 by the end of February. The total number of downloads in February climbed to 226147. Our Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1195)
2.) Eisend, Martin: „Metaanalyse: Einführung und kritische Diskussion“ (427)
3.) Gundlach, Erich: „[Book Review of] Easterly, William: The elusive quest for growth : economists’ adventures and misadventures in the tropics : Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2001“ (349)
4.) Brau, James C.; Woller, Gary M.: „Microfinance: A comprehensive review of the existing literature“ (334)
5.) Ács, Zoltán J.; Virgill, Nicola: „Entrepreneurship in developing countries“ (329)
Posted: February 17th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in January 2014
In January we have included the following research paper series in EconStor:
- Textos para Discussão, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Brasília
- eabh Papers, The European Association for Banking and Financial History (EABH)
- GlobalFood Discussion Papers, RTG 1666: “GlobalFood”, Universität Göttingen
- Discussion Papers, Courant Research Centre Poverty, Equity and Growth, Universität Göttingen
- Discussion Papers, Projektgruppe Modes of Economic Governance, WZB
- Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Regionalentwicklung, Institut für Geographie, Universität Bremen
- LEM Working Paper Series, Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
- IAB-Stellungnahme: Ausgewählte Beratungsergebnisse des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
- IDB Working Paper Series, Inter-American Development Bank
- Flensburger Hefte zu Unternehmertum und Mittelstand, Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Zentrum für Unternehmertum und Mittelstand
- SAFE Working Papers, Center of Excellence SAFE, Universität Frankfurt
- White Paper Series, Center of Excellence SAFE, Universität Frankfurt
- Research Papers in Economics, Fachbereich IV – Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Trier
With 2828 new items we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 70906 by the end of January. The total number of downloads in January reached 203.259. Our Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (1336)
2.) Booth, Alison L.; Leigh, Andrew: „Do employers discriminate by gender? A field experiment in female-dominated occupations“ (668)
3.) Dreyer, Dirk; Oehler, Andreas: „Werttreiber im Dienstleistungsprozess : Eine Analyse anhand der Wertkette nach Porter“ (350)
4.) Kreutzer, Ralf T.; Hinz, Jule: „Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Social Media Marketing“ (340)
5.) Eisend, Martin: „Metaanalyse: Einführung und kritische Diskussion“ (340)
Posted: January 24th, 2014 | Author: Ralf Flohr | Filed under: Monthly Report | Comments Off on EconStor in December 2013
In December we have included the following proceedings and research paper series in EconStor:
With 464 new items we have increased our total amount of full-text documents up to 68078 by the end of December. Over the year 2013 we have added more than 20000 new titles to EconStor. The total number of downloads in December climbed to 226441. Our Top 5 most downloaded papers were:
1.) Feld, Lars P.; Necker, Sarah; Frey, Bruno S.: „Happiness of economists“ (821)
2.) von der Lippe, Peter: „Deskriptive Statistik: Formeln, Aufgaben, Klausurtraining“ (694)
3.) Hanushek, Eric Alan; Woessmann, Ludger: „The economics of international differences in educational achievement“ (388)
4.) Udomkerdmongkol, Manop; Görg, Holger; Morrissey, Oliver: „Foreign direct investment and exchange rates: A case study of US FDI in emerging market countries“ (363)
5.) Auria, Laura; Moro, Rouslan A.: „Support Vector Machines (SVM) as a technique for solvency analysis“ (358)